ReNu our Vets & First Responders


Army  Marines  Navy  Air Force

If you are experiencing Depression, Anxiety, or PTSD, you may still be paying the price for your service.
These conditions can make you feel worn out, helpless and make it hard to function or seek help.
ReNu has used Deep TMS to change the lives of many veterans.
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs covers Deep TMS.
Let ReNu help maximize your use of insurance or VA benefits to restore the joy of living again.

“Deep TMS at ReNu Brain Treatment Center has done for my depression and chronic neuropathic pain what three decades of meds have never been able to do -relief!” – Patrick D, Gulf War vet

“TMS has been a life saver for me. It has kept my depression at bay with no side effects.” – Mike M, Vietnam vet

“Deep TMS at ReNu significantly reduced almost all of my symptoms of PTSD and enabled me to have fun with my family at events again!” – FLH, Iraq and Afganistan vet

First Responders: Suffering in Silence

Police  Fire  Paramedics  Medical  Dispatch

Trauma is the leading cause of PTSD, depression or self medication among first responders.
Mental health issues are still seen as weakness to many first responders.
Don’t be a slave to the stigma.
Let Deep TMS break the silence.